Creating New Appointments

Creating an appointment in Outlook allows you to give yourself reminders of meetings, visits to the doctor, tests you need to take, reports you need to write, and much more. There are several methods for creating an appointment. One method is simple, giving you a quick way to check what you need to do on a specific day. The more advanced method allows you to name the place of the appointment, set times, and write notes for the appointment. Practice the following two methods for creating an appointment in the Outlook Calendar. There are headings on this web page. Hit the letter h or Shift h to explore the various activities. When you are finished move to the link at the bottom of this page titled "BACK" to go back to the "Outlook Lessons" web page.

Method One (Simple)

1. Open Outlook.

2. Press and hold down the Control key and hit the number 2 key (above the alphabet keys).

3. Make sure your view is set to "Day."

4. Down or up arrow through the times of the day, and find a time where you want to create an appointment.

5. Type the appointment.

6. Hit the Enter key one time and the appointment is created. You were not able, with this simple method, to do things like put in the location, change the date, and so on.

7. Press Control 1 to move to the Outlook "Inbox."

8. Press Control 2 to move to the Outlook "Calendar." Listen and your screen reader should tell you how many appointments you have.

9. Tab through the appointments and listen to what they say.

10. If you do want to add more information to an appointment, hit the Enter key one time when you hear the appointment you want to edit. A box will come up. Tab your way through the box, making any needed changes, and then press Alt s to save the appointment.

Method Two (Advanced)

1. Open Outlook.

2. Press Control 2 to move to the Calendar.

3. Press and hold down the Control key and hit the letter n

4. Release the keys.

5. Press and hold down the Alt key and hit the letter u to be sure you are in the "Subject" edit box.

6. Type the subject matter of your appointment, such as "Math Text at 10 am."

7. Hit the Tab key one time and you are in the "Location" edit box. Type something "Math Room."

8. Type the date of the appointment in mm/dd/yyyy format. For example 12/28/2013

9. Hit the Tab key one time and you will be in the "Start Time" combo box.

10. Down or up arrow to the time you want. In this example, arrow to the "10 AM" item. You can also type a time if you need to. If you do type the time use the hh:mm AM or PM format. For example, 10:00 AM

11. Hit the Tab key one time and you will be in the "End Date" edit box. Generally, you leave the date the same as the start date, but if you have an appointment such as a conference that takes two consecutive days, type a different date here. For this example leave the date as it already is.

12. Hit the Tab key one time and you will be in the "End Time" combo box. Either down arrow to the end time you want, or type the end time.

13. Hit the Tab key one time and you will be on a check box titled "All day event." If you will need your appointment to cover the entire day, hit the Spacebar one time to check this check box. In this example, leave the check box unchecked.

14. Hit the Tab key one time and you will be in the in a large area that says "Message Edit."

15. Type notes for your appointment.

16. Press and hold down the Alt key and hit the letter s to save and close the appointment.